Symposium Introduction
Norvella Carter and Stephanie Knight
Symposium Articles
The Historical Context for Understanding the Test Score Gap
James D. Anderson
Improving Teaching and Learning in Urban Schools
Stephanie L. Knight
A Teacher Induction Model for Urban Settings: A Follow-up Study
Vivkie Moon-Merchant and Norvella Carter
Leveling the Playing Field: A Critical Examination of Urban Teachers' Pedagogical Practices of Equity and Excellence for Diverse Students Working in Collaborative Learning Classrooms
Deneese L. Jones, Karen S. Webb, Claude Christian, Todd Savage and Naah Yemeh
The Effect of Recreational Reading on High-Poverty, Urban African American Students: A Longitudinal Study
Novella P. Carter
Ujima: Collective Responsibility in Confronting the Disproportionate Representation of African American Youth in Special Education
Gwendolyn Webb-Johnson, Ronald S. Rochon and Patricia Larke