
Editors’ Introduction

Contemporary Cases: Policy, Privatization and Networks

Tony Carrizales and Andrew I. E. Ewoh



Reaching No Fear: Policy Entrepreneurship in New Policy Strategies for Public Sector Accountability

Pamela Ransom and Judith J. Kirchhoff


Rejecting Privatization: Case Study Analysis of Local Government Decision-Making

Anna A. Amirkhanyan


Collaborative Management of Interorganizational Intersectoral (ISIO) Cause-Based Networks: The Case of Firm Participation in Voluntary Environmental Sustainability Programs

Danielle M. Varda and Jo A. Arney


Stress and Collateral Consequences for Registered Sex Offenders

Richard Tewksbury and Elizabeth Ehrhardt Mustaine


Case Review

Privatization and Human Resources Management: Some Equity Challenges: The Case of the City of Tampa

Joan E. Pynes


Book Reviews

America’s Social Health: Putting Social Issues Back on the Public Agenda.

Reviewed by Caroline McMahon


Polarized America

Reviewed by Christopher E.S. Warburton
