
Symposium Introduction

Has Public Administration Grown Up? A Case for Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity and the Intersection of Public Administration in the 21st Century

Espiridion A. Borrego and Richard Greggory Johnson III


Symposium Articles

The Policy Landscape of Sexual Orientation

Heather Wyatt-Nichol and Lorenda Ann Naylor


The Importance of Social Movements and the Intersection of Social Equity: Marriage Equality and RACING Towards Justice

Richard Greggory Johnson III


Walking the Talk: Do Public Systems Have the Infrastructure Necessary to Implement and Enforce LGBT and Gender Identity Rights?

Kristen Norman-Major and Carol Becker


Will Cultural Competence Lead Us Out of the Intersection of Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity or Leave Us Stalled?

Espiridion A. Borrego


Gendered Restrooms and Minority Stress: The Public Regulation of Gender and its Impact on Transgender People’s Lives

Jody L. Herman


Leading the Way in Policy Implementation: An Examination of how the United States Marine Corps has Managed the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Repeal

David Moran


Same-Sex Marriage and the Challenge of Liberalism: A Case of Ideological Drift

Samuel L. Brown and David T. Goode-Cross
