
Editors’ Introduction

The Diversity of Topics and Changing Leadership

Tony Carrizales and Andrew I. E. Ewoh



Energy and the Environment: Knowledge for Change in a Quasi-Governmental, Quasi-Business Setting

Nicholas C. Zingale


Racial Employment Patterns of Foreign- and Native-Born Workers in the U.S.: An Exploratory Analysis

Norma M. Riccucci and Byron E. Price


Opportunities for Online Citizen Participation: A Study of Global Municipal Practices

Aroon Manoharan and Lamar Vernon Bennett


Religious Freedom and/or Contraception Coverage: Time to Shelve the Disagreement

Joan E. Pynes and Lisa Suprenand



Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

RaJade M. Berry-James, Symposium Editor

On the Effectiveness of Faith-Based Partnerships in Recruitment of Foster and Adoptive Parents

Michael Howell-Moroney


State Use of Community-Based Organizations to Advance Urban Revitalization Policy: The Case of the Front Porch Florida Initiative

Marcus D. Mauldin
